The Magazine
Regular features, such as our calendar, announce and report on Native events. Feature articles range from ceremonial regalia and traditional use of tobacco to environmental issues and California archaeology, all emphasizing Native Californian points of view, historic and contemporary. We also regularly feature poetry, short stories, plays, and literary non-fiction by California Indian writers. Regular columns address California Indian languages, the arts, books, skills & technology, law, and more.
Berkeley Roundhouse
Along with News from Native California, Heyday has published more than forty books devoted to California Indian culture and history, we’ve sponsored scores of events,we’ve launched two museum shows that traveled the state, and we’ve collected an archive of books, photos, oral histories, and artwork that is open to the public.
In Heyday’s forty years of publishing, California’s Indian world has gone through dramatic changes. Twenty five years ago, News from Native California was meant to be an elegy for dying cultures—instead it has recorded its rebirth. Languages once thought extinct are being revived from wax cylinder recordings. Where once native cultures were only written about by non-Native scholars, vibrant Indian communities now represent their own cultures in traditional and new media.
We celebrate these changes. Launched in 2012, the Berkeley Roundhouse has brought Heyday’s Native publishing, outreach, and events into one consolidated, expanded program committed to furthering these revitalizations.