

Berkeley Roundhouse

News From Native California is a non-profit magazine that exists because of community support and investment. Donations go to pay writers and photographers, support printing and shipping costs, and put on educational events. In addition to donations, dozens of volunteers give countless hours to make sure that we can produce top quality issues that reflect the importance and vitality of California’s oldest cultures.

Ways to support News from Native California and the Berkeley Roundhouse:

  • Donate to help us produce excellent publications.
  • Buy a Heyday book or subscriptions to News for yourself or a friend.
  • Advertise with us.
  • Ask your local bookstore, gift shop, tribal center, newsstand, museum, or library to carry News.
  • Help us spread the word about the vibrancy of Native cultures by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • Submit an article or artwork for the magazine.

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A Note of Thanks from

Malcolm Margolin

Our California Indian publishing has been nourished by contributions from over 300 individuals and institutions who have donated gifts for operating expenses or specific projects. We are grateful beyond words to our subscribers, donors, and advertisers whose generosity and trust have kept our Californian Indian pubilshing alive, vibrant, and relevant through these years. Please consider supporting News From Native California by making a donation.

If you have questions about your donation or membership, please contact the Heyday Development Department: or 510.549.3564 ext. 312.

Thank You to Our Donors

It takes the collective effort of many to create a thriving community. We are thankful to all of the thoughtful people we have the privilege to engage with. Cheers to our writers, artists, editors, storytellers, designers, printers, bookstores, critics, cultural organizations, readers, and book lovers everywhere. We are especially grateful to the supporters of our Berkeley Roundhouse:

Anonymous (3); Donna Allen; Adelina Alva-Padilla; Elisa Marina Alvarado, in memory of Paul Morrillo; M. Kat Anderson; Sonja Armour; John Atwood, in memory of Jeanne Carevic; Carroll Ballard and Christina Lüscher-Ballard; Olivia Bankhead; Alice Bartholomew; Mary Belardo; Jean and Fred Berensmeier; Audrey Berger; Joan Berman; Anne R. Blackman; Nadine and Stephen Bowlus; Elizabeth Campbell; Joanne Campbell; John and Mary Caris; Jana Carp; Terri Castaneda; Gregg and Elonda Castro; Cassandra Caulkins; Santos Raoul Chacon; Kristin Chambers; Pamela Clark; Margaret Conkey; Robert Cooter and Blair Dean; Lawrence Crooks; Kevin Davidson; Jeanette Davis; Joan Dayton; Patricia Dixon; Michael and Margaret Doherty; Dr. Faith L. Duncan, in memory of Dennis Neill; Bobbi Feyerabend; Judith and Robert Flynn; Christian Gerike; Sandy Gess; Betty Goerke; Francine Hartman; Thomas and Faye Hendricks; Megan Ho; Michael Horn; Sheridan Hough; Idyllwild Life Magazine, in memory of Francoise Frigola; Ira Jacknis; Ernest Jacobo; Jessica Jasper; Dale Johnson; Jerald Johnson; Charles Kennard; Judy Kerber, in honor of Westland School; Rebecca Kugel and Lawrence Goldstein; David Larsen; Ibuki Lee; Michael Lewis and Donald Kairott, in honor of Dorothy Martinez-K; Katriel Lohrke; Melanie Loo; Judith Lowry-Croul and Brad Croul; Julie Lytle; Johnny Mah; Loyda Marquez; Dorothy Martinez-K, in honor of Thoz Womenz; Kate McClintock; Tomasita Medál; Marty Meeden, in memory of Josephine A. Meeden, Charles P. Meeden, and Annie Meeden; Jerry and Ellen Miller; Ibrahim and Jane Muhawi; Genevieve Nauman; Susan Newstead; Meredith Pelrine; Marsha Peralta; Mary and Adrian Praetzellis; Polly Quick; Barbara Risling, in memory of Katherine Wallace; Lyn Risling and Julian Lang; Carol Robinson; Rhonda Robles; Carla Rodriguez; Sean Rose; Sylvia Ross; Deborah Sanchez; Marianne Schonfisch; Margot Sheffner; Donna Shoemaker; Tia Smirnoff; Martha Stampfer; Joe Talaugon; Sonia Tamez and Kenneth Whistler; Diana Terrazas; Becky Valek; Michaell Valtierra; Megan Vered; Tanis Walters; Courtney Whitehouse; Caitlin Wilhelm; Charles Wilkinson; Lynn Witter; Rae Wymer 


California Arts Council; Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria; Walter and Elise Haas Fund; Humboldt Area Foundation Native Cultures Fund; San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; Tappan Foundation