Yuba-Sutter Winter Pow Wow

Marysville Youth Center 1830 B Street, Marysville, CA, United States

The Yuba-Sutter Winter Pow Wow is on the horizon! All drums welcome. All dancers welcome. Public Welcome. No Admission Fee. Get ready for MC Val Shadowhawk. Open Gourd @ Noon. Grand Entry @1 pm. This is an alcohol, drugs, and smoking free event. For more information, please call: (530)749-6196 or email pbennett@mjusd.k12.ca.us

49th Annual UC Davis Powwow

UC Davis, East and West Quad 1 Shields Ave., Davis, CA, United States

The 49th Annual UC Davis Powwow is happening on Saturday, April 19th, 2025! Join the college for a day of social gathering that provides the campus and local community a space to learn about, engage with, and celebrate the traditions and cultures of Indigenous peoples, and bring visibility to the vibrancy of Native American music, dance,…

31st Annual Ohlone Big Time

Tony Cerda Park 400 W. Grand Ave., Pomona, CA, United States

31st Annual Ohlone Big Time. Powwow Gathering. All Dancers and Drums are Welcome. Hosting the longest running intertribal gathering outside of Ohlone Territory. 31 years of bringing culture and community together. Same time every year, last full weekend of the month at Tony Cerda Park in Pomona. Free family fun!! Don’t forget to get some…

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