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In Our Languages — Cody Pata

In Our Languages — Cody Pata

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Following Coca Cola’s Super Bowl advertisement with “America the Beautiful” sung in a multitude of languages, a social media backlash spread very quickly under the hashtag “#SpeakAmerican.” Cody Pata translated and sung “America the Beautiful” in his Nomlaki language. His video, both poignant and beautiful, raises the question of what languages are truly indigenous to North America in the minds of those who watch his video.

Bōheh Pōm Cʻāwi

‘Ēy qʻolci til senēnaha–

Sāyih hilāya cʻāwin;

Cali col bōhemabēm

‘Ełi dawpomum ‘olqēli.

Yē Bōheh Pōm!

Yē Bōheh Pōm!

Calumāhēlebōm Sāltun;

Calumāhēle net winesahēt

Seletin Bōheh Pōm.

Great Land Song

Oh, how the clear skies are so vast–

The ripe grains and seeds wave across the fields;

See Also

The fertile mountains have risen in grandeur

Clearly outlined above the productive valleys.

Oh Great Land!

Oh Great Land!

May you be blessed by the Creator;

My relations will be blessed

On both sides of this Great Land.

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