Téelamal Chamkwíinamu Pokwáan
Words, which are little prayers, for our life-giving roots.
Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner
(nohúu’univuktum pí’ nopilá’chivuktum
‘atáaxum Chamtéela pomkwáan)
(for my Luiseño language teachers and students)
Pilá’chiqan notéelapiy chamtéelangax.
Chamkwíinamu, súspul téelamal nopiláchiqat
‘áaq téelat kihúut ‘omkwáan.
I am learning to speak in our language.
Children, our life-giving roots, each word I learn is a little prayer for you.
‘atáaxum Chamtéelangax, téelaqan ‘ayáalinik ‘omwóllaxpiy;
‘ompáa’ipiy chamtéelay moyóoniwunti.
In Luiseño, I pray that you grow well,
drinking the nourishment of our language.
Téelaqan ‘omnáqmapiy ‘á’wolum pomhéelaxi;
‘om’onánnipiy şú’lami, ‘óomayi, Yáamayi.
I pray that you listen to our elders and their songs.
I pray you know the stars, and in them, our ancestors.
Chamkwíinamu, nóo puyáamangay téelaq ‘omkwáan.
Children, our life-giving roots, I am always praying for you.