Na:tini-xw wint’e-ding
Hoopa Valley (Where the trails return) the forever place
by Stephanie Lumsden (Hupa)
Na:tini-xw ch’idun’-ding
Hoopa Valley, the first place
Acorn gathering is happening
Trinity River, as a power one should pray to
Ts’ehdiyah to:-wingkyah
I am happy the water has risen, gotten bigger
They are weaving baskets
Dining’xine:wh-mił – na:sa’a:n xowhniwh
There is a Hupa tradition, I am conscious of it, awake to it
The Indian (acorn eater) way of doing things
Na:tinixwe q’ina xwe:yłq’it-xwe tsumehstƚ’o:n ‘a:wht’e
I am a Hupa and Redwood Creek woman
I am still alive, surviving
K’itiwhtł’owh mich’ing’-ding whije:y’-tiwhte’
I have started weaving a basket and for that reason my state of mind is strong
Na:tini-xw wint’e-ding
Hoopa Valley, the forever place