National Advisory Council on Indian Education-2016

National Advisory Council on Indian Education-2016

Submitted by the California Indian Culture & Sovereignty Center


President Barack Obama appointed Joely Proudfit and Dahkota Franklin Kicking Bear Brown to the National Advisory Council on Indian Education in early 2016. Proudfit (Luiseño decendant) is a professor at California State University San Marcos and Dahkota Franklin Kicking Bear Brown, Wilton Miwok Rancheria, is a student at Stanford University. This is the first time in recent history that California has been so well represented on the NACIE board of directors.


The National Advisory Council on Indian Education (NACIE) advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education and the Secretary of Interior concerning the administration and funding of programs which impact Indian children or adults as participants. Executive Order 13592 launched a White House Initiative on American Indian/Alaska Native Education under the Obama administration.


The NACIE board members acknowledge the unique political and legal relationship with federally recognized tribes; there are 110 federally recognized tribes in California—more than any other state.


Board members meet in Washington, D.C. to provide recommendations with rationale to Congress each year. NACIE hopes to help achieve culturally responsive student success and meet the provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act.


In 2016 the Council affirmed the federal trust responsibility to Native Americans and reviewed data on Native education. More than half of Native children attend K-12 schools in large urban centers; this creates a unique need for Native children in public education. Recent actions by the NACIE board include recommendations that raise the profile of American Indian/Alaska Native education by designating an Assistant Secretary for Indian Education to provide critical leadership and to contribute to cross federal agency accountability and collaboration.


The Board has public meeting and these meeting provide opportunity for tribal consultation on education policies and practices. Listening Sessions were recommended to address school discipline disparities, special education disparities, civil rights violations and the school-to-prison pipeline that disproportionately affects and devastates families of AI/AN. The disproportionate dropout and incarceration of AI/AN students and substance abuse issues that adversely affect Indian Country warrant immediate action.


The NACIE board also advocates for increased funding levels for current programs that include Johnson O’Malley and Tribal Colleges and Universities. NACIE also recommends that Congress enact legislation to expand funding for indigenous language acquisition and proficiency by adult tribal members and continue to support language acquisition and proficiency by children through culturally responsive programming, such as immersion schools. The range of programs reviewed and the recommendations provided to Congress span K-16 education policy and practice.

See Also


Recent elections and anticipated changes in leadership for the Department of Education will impact the NACIE Board for the next four years. Dr. Proudfit and Dahkota Franklin Kicking Bear Brown welcome your input as your regional link to the Board. They are available at the following contact emails: Dr. Joely Proudfit:

Dahkota Franklin Kicking Bear Brown:


For further information and to review yearly board reports, visit




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