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Run With the Moon | Audiopharmacy Performance – November 29 2020

Run With the Moon | Audiopharmacy Performance – November 29 2020

Audiopharmacy performance begins at the 33:05 timestamp.

Review by Ishmael A. Elias

Anyone who follows the Bay Area hip-hop ensemble Audiopharmacy knows how stellar its live performances are. The same can be said about its livestream performances.

Part of The Long Road Society’s monthly music series “Run with the Moon,” Teao Sense and Audiopharmacy delivered yet another unforgettable set. Without giving too much away, the nearly 50-minute segment starts with a traditional song by Audiopharmacy co-founder Ras K’dee (Dry Creek Pomo) before transitioning into what seems like a 90’s music video, replete with youth hanging out on the couch when one of them gets bored and decides to put on a record. What follows is a steady introduction of musical collaborators from a turntablist to a flautist to singers to emcees to dancers to guitarists to percussionists until the entire set becomes a soulful blend of musical and cultural styles brought to life by amazing audio/visual production from Ben Tarquin, La Fauna Music, and more.

Speaking of amazing, the entire “Run with the Moon” event may relieve pandemic fatigue by providing nearly two  and half hours of heartfelt music from different genres. There is minor cursing during one of the later segments, however, so while the event is indeed uplifting, it’s not entirely all-ages.

See Also

Of course, live performances are generally preferred over livestreams but a streaming production done right, such as this one, generates its own magical, inspirational experience. This month’s livestream was produced by The Nothing with animation by Alina Vongsamart. 

Check out the links listed above and on the event YouTube page for more information about the artists and organizations involved. 

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