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Taking A (Summer) Breath

Taking A (Summer) Breath

by Tavi Lorelle Carpenter

I originally started this series as a means of giving ourselves a moment to breathe. I discussed the important role rest can play as a means of resistance. But I’ve also come to realize that part of this series is a celebration of the changing seasons. I know that for myself, I need to take a pause and appreciate the shift from one season to the next.

Of course, it’s not an abrupt change where suddenly Spring comes to an end and suddenly it’s summer. Although certain passages of time, such as the end of a school year can make it feel as such.

I used to gauge these shifts in seasonal changes based on how long I would wear my tights. Tights under dresses and skirts were restricted to cold weather times, late fall, winter and early spring. I knew we were entering warmer times when I’d pull off the tights mid-day, shimming out of them in the girls bathroom, hopping around like I was the world’s worst flamingo.

But I’d also noticed tangible changes in my skin and hair that signaled I needed to switch up the routines. Or that as they days grew warmer I would start ravenously craving strawberries (though, in fairness, I can also eat my weight in strawberries). Summer always comes with great joy and more time spent enjoying the unapologetic warm, shinning sun.

Somehow, summer always brings an increase in energy and a sense of adventure, and I thought I’d share some of the photos I’ve taken to celebrate these early days of summer and of course, our beautiful California home.

These are from a weekend visit up to Ukiah and Hopland:

See Also

The following are some beautiful sights seen during my post-work walk in the Bay Area.

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