Learning Landscapes – Palomar
March 22 - March 23

Join the NALC for a weekend on the land at Learning Landscapes Palomar, March 22-23!
Native community from Palomar Mountain & surrounding areas are invited to spend an afternoon learning and sharing with us followed by a night of creekside camping (supplies provided by NALC). Registration is limited, sign up now through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdH40CLRQu6o4c5a7oPFvm_gqGu4g3iZ-Ops6_vuMUVXkAeQw/viewform
Email programs@nativeamericanland.org with any questions.

Listings are free. Items for the next issue may be submitted to:News from Native California,
P.O. Box 9145, Berkeley, CA 94709Email: events@newsfromnativecalifornia.com
Phone: (510) 549-1208
Fax (510) 549-1889Or use our online for to submit an event:Submit an Event