Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art

Fowler Museum at UCLA 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Exhibit Runs: January 12 – July 13, 2025 @The Fowler Musuem at UCLA Mark you calendars for the upcoming exhibit Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art.  It introduces fire as a generative element that connects us to our past and offers a collective path toward a sustainable future. The show presents a living…

Healing the Earth Conference 2025

UC Riverside Student Success Center

AISES is pairing up with UC Riverside and their Native American Student Programs to invite you the Healing the Earth Conference. This year's conference addresses land stewardship in different fields of STEAM ranging from the forest conservation, traditional ecological knowledge, and more! Register here: 

Sand Acknowledgment in Action: Lazaro Arvizu Jr.

Fowler Museum at UCLA 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sand Acknowledgment in action with flute-playing and artist-facilitated meditation in the installation space, focused on the meaning of the sand painting in the exhibition Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art. Lazaro Arvizu Jr. is an artist, educator, musician, and researcher dedicated to the culture of the first people of Los Angeles. Born in the Los…

Sand Acknowledgment in Action: Lazaro Arvizu Jr.

Fowler Museum at UCLA 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sand Acknowledgment in action with flute-playing and artist-facilitated meditation in the installation space, focused on the meaning of the sand painting in the exhibition Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art. Lazaro Arvizu Jr. is an artist, educator, musician, and researcher dedicated to the culture of the first people of Los Angeles. Born in the Los…

Sand Acknowledgment in Action: Lazaro Arvizu Jr.

Fowler Museum at UCLA 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sand Acknowledgment in action with flute-playing and artist-facilitated meditation in the installation space, focused on the meaning of the sand painting in the exhibition Fire Kinship: Southern California Native Ecology and Art. Lazaro Arvizu Jr. is an artist, educator, musician, and researcher dedicated to the culture of the first people of Los Angeles. Born in the…

Submit an EventAre you planning a California Indian event that should be on our calendar?
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