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“Standing on Sacred Ground” will be on KQED

“Standing on Sacred Ground” will be on KQED

The rise of the Shasta Dam is currently before Congress, and with critics calling the current drought a result of “misguided environmental policy,” this national public television broadcast (also airing on the World Channel beginning May 17) gives viewers an inside look at the traditional ceremonies of Northern California’s Indigenous Winnemem Wintu tribe and how the rise of the Dam will destroy their sacred land.

In “Pilgrims and Tourists,” the first episode, Winnemem Wintu chief and spiritual leader Caleen Sisk gives viewers an intimate understanding of their traditional ceremonies, how they plan to map the sacred land they’re trying to protect, and how the rise of the Shasta Dam will extinguish the sacred ground that is home to a thousand years of cultural ceremony.

KQED will broadcast the films on KQED Life (Fridays at 7 PM starting May 1), KQED Plus (Sunday, May 10 from noon to 4 PM), and two of the four episodes will air on KQED-9: “Profit and Loss” on Tuesday, May 12, at 11 PM, and “Islands of Sanctuary” on Tuesday, May 19, at 11 PM. As well as on the World Channel Sundays beginning May 17 at 9pm ET, through June 7.

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California Tribal Nations Flag Ceremony


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