To Destroy in Whole or in Part
A presentation by Jack Norton
It can be said the some of the earliest work of collecting historical information and publishing evidence of the genocide that was committed against California’s Native Peoples was done by Professor Emeritus Jack Norton in this book Genocide in Northwestern California: When Our Worlds Cried. He has spent a great deal of his career educating the public about this little know piece of our state’s history.
The link below the image will open the full PowerPoint presentation “To Destroy in Whole or in Part.”
To Destroy in Whole or in Part
Jack Norton is Emeritus Professor of Native American Studies at Humboldt State University. He is Hupa/Cherokee and an enrolled member of the Yurok Nation. He was the first California Indian to be appointed to the Rupert Costo Chair in American Indian History at the University of California, Riverside, and author of Genocide in Northwestern California: When Our Worlds Cried published by the Indian Historian Press.