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Upcoming Events for July and August 2024

Upcoming Events for July and August 2024

Educational and learning opportunities going on around the state
By Christine Trudeau

This summer, there are a number of  public education events going on around the state to engage with California’s tribal communities Whether you are a part of a tribal nation or someone hoping to learn about the region’s first people, you are likely to find something that of interest:

The California Indian Nations College has a Native American Conservation Workforce Development Program taking place over Zoom on July 23rd, from 5 to 6 pm. 

The Sacred Path Indigenous Wellness Center has several upcoming events for July, starting with July 23rd the Spill the Tea on Books event, an all ages social reading club starting at 6 pm in Fullerton. Then the Indigenize Streetwear will take place on July 25th & 26th, where clothing can be upcycled into fun and fashionable looks. Check out many of Sacred Path’s other events coming up from Beading Cap Earrings with Birdie is on the 24th and an apron making Sewing Workshop on July 25th at their Instagram page at Sagrediwc

The Friends of Puvungna will host a Community Caretaking Day on July 28th, 2024, from 9 to 11 am at California State University Long Beach, in parking lot G-2. 

Save California Salmon is hosting Happy Camp Klamath River Raft Trip on July 28th at 10 am, for Native youth and their families. 

The Southern California Tribal Tobacco Coalition presents the 4th annual inter-Tribal Tobacco Prevention Youth Summit on August 7th, from 9 am to 1 pm at the La Jolla Campground and water park.

The Native American Land and Conservancy is hosting a Learning Landscapes workshop that will be held at Idyllwild Arts on August 9th and 10th, for “Native families from the Coachella Valley, San Gorgonio Pass and surrounding areas.” 

The Redbud Resource Group is hosting two events. The first is on August 2nd, Amplifying Native Voices in the Classroom: Native Perspectives, Everyday Lessons. The second takes place on August 6th, and is Masterclass: Going Beyond Land Acknowledgments

See Also

The San Diego American Indian Health Center and the Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. is hosting Youth Gona Gathering of Native Americans from August 6 through the 9th at San Diego State University. The gathering is for youth ages 14 to 24, and goes from 8 am to 5 pm each day. 

The California Governor’s Office of Tribal Affairs is hosting several in-person California Truth and Healing Council quarterly meetings, the first in the Eastern Sierra on August 1st and 2nd, in Bishop and Big Pine. The second,  August 16th and 17th in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obisbo counties. The Youth Council of the California Truth and Healing Council will host a virtual meeting on Thursday, July 25th from 5 to 6:30 pm on Zoom. More information can be found at

This piece was reported and written with the support of an Ethnic Media Outreach Grant, made possible by the Stop the Hate initiative, funded by the California State Library (CSL) in partnership with the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs (CAPIAA). To learn more about Stop the Hate or to report a hate incident, visit

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